Jorge Arreaza Congratulates St. Lucia on Independence Anniversary

February 22, 2024 Hour: 11:12 pm
Jorge Arreaza, the new executive secretary of ALBA-TCP, expressed his satisfaction to accompany the people of Saint Lucia and its government on the 45th anniversary of its independence.
OECS Congratulates St. Lucia on Its 45th Independence Anniv
The people and government of Saint Lucia celebrated the 45th anniversary of its independence, under the theme “Douvan Ansanm: building a nation, through unity, resilience and creativity.”
The Venezuelan diplomat said via his official X account that “for the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), the countries of the Eastern Caribbean are a true example of dignity and sovereignty.”
Un honor acompañar al pueblo de Santa Lucía y a su gobierno en el 45 aniversario de su independencia. Para el @ALBATCP, los países del Caribe Oriental constituyen un verdadero ejemplo de dignidad y soberanía.
¡Felicidades Primer Ministro @PhilipJPierreLC! ¡Gran abrazo herman@s…— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza)
February 23, 2024
For its part, the Alliance also sent its congratulations to “the people and government of Saint Lucia on the 45th anniversary of its independence from the United Kingdom.”
#22Feb From #ALBATCP we congratulate the people and government of Saint Lucia on the 45th anniversary of its independence from the United Kingdom.
Long live Saint Lucia!
February 22, 2024
Venezuelan diplomat Jorge Arreaza was recently appointed as the new Executive Secretary of ALBA-TCP and is in charge of carrying out an ambitious work plan, the ALBA-TCP Strategic Agenda 2030.
The task is aimed at giving an extraordinary impetus to the process of integral consolidation of the Alliance in the years to come.
Arreaza replaces Félix Plasencia, who has held the Secretariat since December 2022, when he replaced the Bolivian Sacha Llorenti, appointed in December 2020.
#OnThisDay | Saint Lucia celebrated 45 years of Independence with a military parade.
— teleSUR English (@telesurenglish)
February 22, 2024
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Autor: teleSUR/ OSG